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Approved Minutes, April 15, 2010
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 15th, 2010
6:30 pm
120 Washington St.
Salem, Ma

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Rob DeRosier (V. Chair), Adam Segal, Jenna Ide, Lindsay Trammel (non-voting, honorary Task Force member from SHS Environmental Club)
Members not in attendance:  Jeff Brandt, John Hayes, Jeff Barz-Snell, Rick Nye, Nick Lewis
City Staff: Paul Marquis (Salem Energy Manager & RETF/ City Liaison); Graeme Marcoux (Salem High School); Julie Rose (Salem Business Manager and liaison to SalemRecycles)
Public: Peter Hackmeister

  • The Task Force welcomed Julie Rose, Salem Business Manager and liaison to SalemRecycles, who offered an overview of the activities and accomplishments of SalemRecycles
  • Julie and the Task Force discussed general ways in which the activities of the Task Force and SalemRecycles might overlap and be able to support each other’s objectives; no decisions were made with respect to this discussion
  • Julie Rose gave the Task Force an overview of the planned program for the Clean Salem, Green Salem event on May 1st
The Task Force voted to host a kite making/ kite flying event for Clean Salem, Green Salem to highlight the potential of wind energy and to attract attention to the Task Force’s informational table at the event; Cindy Keegan offered to enlist a member of a local kite club to deliver. The Task Force voted to allocate a portion of Clean Energy Choice funds for the kite flying event.
Marquis provided an update on the Green Business Challenge being developed by the City, the Salem Chamber of Commerce, SalemRecycles and the North Shore TMA. He solicited suggestions on the Challenge from Task Force members. Rob DeRosier suggested a self-nomination process for businesses.  He and Cindy Keegan agreed that the program should perhaps be limited to a 300-word narrative as to why a business considers itself green (no minimum length requirement).
The Task Force voted to allocate Clean Energy Choice funds for the purchase of two table-top model wind turbines to serve as trophies in the Challenge.
  • Marquis offered an update on the progress of a 3-D wind and renewable energy resources map that was being developed for Clean Salem, Green Salem by a Salem High School student. He reported that the map would very likely be ready for the event.
  • Graeme Marcoux suggested that a ‘bike rodeo’ consisting of bike workshops, a bike showcase, a bike parade, etc might be a good draw for the upcoming Living Green Fair. The Task Force expressed support for the idea
  • Marquis provided brief updates to the Task Force on the status of the Green Communities program in Salem, the energy performance contract audit that is currently underway and progress on establishing guidelines for solar panels on homes in Salem’s historic districts. On the last item, Marquis reported that Jane Guy of the Planning Department was gathering info from guidelines in other communities to present to the Historic Commission for their review.
  • Graeme Marcoux provided an update on the K-12 green curriculum project currently under development in the Salem school dept in conjunction with the Energy Manager’s office. He reported that a basic framework for incorporating green supplemental lesson plans had been developed under a “Green Lens” brand suggested by assistant school superintendent Alyce Davis.
  • Adam Segal offered to draft language for the proposed informational sign for the met tower at Winter Island
  • The Task Force discussed the promise made to the Park & Rec Dept. of revisiting the placement of the met tower and its impact on summer activities at the island. Mr. Marquis will pose the question to Doug Bollen.
  • Mr. Marquis informed the Task Force that if they did not spend the Clean Energy Choice grants funds allocated to education & outreach by June 30th, they would lose the funds. The Task Force voted to approve the purchase of the following educational and promotional items:
  • T-Shirts and baseball caps w/ RETF logo
  • Tabletop wind turbines for Green Business Challenge trophies and trade show table displays
  • A new banner
  • Reimburse Cindy Keegan for purchase of original banner
  • Materials for 3-D wind resources map to be used at Clean Salem, Green Salem
  • Materials/ rentals for kite event highlighting wind energy at Clean Salem, Green Salem
  • The met tower informational sign for Winter Island
  • Printed educational materials
  • Misc promotional & trade show/  fair materials

Meeting Minutes recorded by Paul Marquis
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm